

Like my background and interests, the resources I’d like to share with you are quite varied. I hope you will find these useful or inspirational in some way.

This is by no means intended to be a comprehensive list of coaching resources. If there is information on a particular topic you haven’t been able to find here or elsewhere, however, you are more than welcome to contact me and I’ll see what I can do to assist in locating a resource that meets your needs. Have fun!

General Coaching Resources

International Coach Federation (ICF):

Articles on Interviewing

Your Strengths

Via Institute on Character — Via Character Strengths Survey

One of the key components to acing an interview is knowing what your strengths are. This site provides a free survey you can take to gain clarity on what your character strengths are.


60 Minutes episode on “Mindfulness” (Aired December 2014)

Positive Psychology & Flow

Readings in Positive Psychology — by Canadian Positive Psychology Association

TED Talk: Shawn Achor – The Happy Secret to Better Work

TED Talk: Martin Seligman – The New Era of Positive Psychology

TED Talk: Mihaly Csikzentmihalyi – Flow

Barbara Frederickson Videos

Positive Emotions Open our Mind:

The Positivity Ratio:

Positive Emotions Transform Us:

Inspirational Books & DVDs

Some of Kim’s Reviews…

Ask & It Is Given – by Esther Hicks

The basis of Law of Attraction. This was the first of many books where Esther Hicks channels the collective energy of Abraham.

The Art of Having it All: A Woman’s Guide to Unlimited Abundance – by Christy Whitman

The Art of Having it All is not about doing it all. Through applying Law of Attraction principles, this book is about having your cake and eating it too – as YOU define it.

  • The Art of Having it All – Interview Series: Receive access to 100+ interviews Christy Whitman conducted with people like Marianne Williamson, Jack Canfield, Bob Proctor and more on how THEY define having it all for themselves

The Game of Life & How to Play It – by Florence Scovel Shinn

Written in 1925, this woman was certainly ahead of her time. This is a quick, easy read but chock full of wisdom.

The Little Soul & the Sun – by Neale Donald Walsch

In times of grief, another perspective can be helpful. This book was intended for children, but is just as insightful for adults in viewing life challenges through another lens.